Sunday, August 13, 2006

What's this all about?

What's this all about then?

This is about trying to find some way to find a spark somewhere. To find the place where truth and beauty and freedom begin drift up out of the core of everything and into the orbit of everything. Where they leak into the air and animate existence. No, no matter what you say, I know they are there - and I know they run the show. Inside the senselessness there is surely butterfly light. Inside the violence there is surely a heart somewhere, smooth. Inside the darkness that is fast descending, there is surely one white star, shining.

Everyday I look for it: The emergent beauty, the deeper meaning.

And every time I find it, up here it will go.

(Best of luck, I hear you say, and I almost see your cynical smile - almost, but not quite; because even there I hear the faintest back-note of that universal tune. Smile away, shake your head. Out of darkness, light. Out of chaos, meaning. Out of light, back again into darkness, and in the darkness, star-rise.)

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