Sunday, August 24, 2008

retrospectively, i can write an ad...

From the other side of singledom:

One man.
Strong, beautiful hands. Cheekbones. The kissing kind. Loves parks, sunsets, cats and books. Must have insatiable curiosity and lust for life.
Must be dizzyingly, madly, hopelessly beautiful to me even in the middle of a fight. (This will be tested many, many times. Final contract subject to success in these tests.)
Must play the mandolin. Must invent a language or show marked potential for such invention.

Quiet, polite, gentle, sexy as can be.

Only men with above-mentioned qualities need apply.


Anonymous said...

Hmm...singledom fatigue sure makes us yearn for many things...the ideal, the beautiful, the whole. Your list seems to be asking a wee bit more than half needed to complete the whole...And you never mentioned what your half comprised of. Good if you found all this and much more on the other side of singledom.

Anyways, you weave your words very well...Keep your pen going... :)

Zareen said...

Hmm. Interesting that you noted that my list asked for a wee bit more than the half-required-to-complete-the-whole.
I don't see it that way at all.
I see it more as asking for a whole other whole. It's not half plus half equals one. It's one plus one equals one.
And of course, EACH of the two have to give more than they've got to make it work - so much gets lost in translation.

Anonymous said...

Hmm…I think I’m quite convinced by your viewpoint. Two O's are definitely better than two C's forming an O, although that’s a silly way of looking at it. :)

Your profile says you are in the UK. But going by your name-Zareen, it seems to me you’re either from that great land called Iran or otherwise a Parsi somewhere from west India. Just a guess… Am I right, or outright mistaken?

Zareen said...

So you're easily convinced by silly things, then? Cool! :P
You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine - judging from your name (since I can't see your profile), you're from the outskirts of the alphabet. Am I right? Or outright mistaken?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Damn, if you ever find a man like that, _I_'ll marry him.


Zareen said...

:) nono. taken. if he has a long lost brother somewhere, i will put the two of you in touch.

wendigo said...

zareen, except for the cat thing, you're asking for MY ideal man. hands, i tell you!
i know some men like these and most are usually taken by other greedy women... but maybe it's the sense of finding them and basking in your knowledge that they're it, is what we require of them. we'll all eventually settle for the safe ones, who don't excite or ignite us, but will be safe blanket for the love ravaged heart.